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October 12, 2021

Bug fixes & improvements (October 12, 2021)

Here are the bugs we tracked down and fixed this week.

Accounts & characters 🧙

  • Made it possible for single license teachers to import students through Google Classroom even if another teacher already used Google Classroom to invite students

User interface 🧑‍💻

  • The search function in the School Store was not working for some schools — it's now fixed!
  • Updated how the Teacher Summary looks for the new experience 📈

Class Tools & settings ⚒️

  • Fixed an issue that caused a ‘Uh oh’ screen for co-teachers in the Game Rules

Admins 🧑‍💼

  • Fixed a crash on the School Dashboard caused by the Engagement Score

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments related to these fixes, please let us know! If you need assistance, check our Knowledge Center or contact support@classcraft.com for help! 😄

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