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November 09, 2021

Bug fixes & improvements (November 9, 2021)

Here's a list of issues tracked and fixed during the last week.

Accounts & characters 🧙

  • Halloween gear is gone once again — keep an eye out for the next seasonal gear! ☃️

User interface 🧑‍💻

  • Fixed an issue where the "..." button of new classes did not show any information
  • Made sure that strings in the game feed are properly translated

Class Tools & settings ⚒️

  • Made it impossible to attach images in certain formats or to duplicate a quest with such images to avoid a crash 🖼️

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments related to these fixes, please let us know! If you need assistance, check our Knowledge Center or contact support@classcraft.com for help! 😄

We are ⚡by Beamer